It’s human nature to come to terms with, understand, comprehend and possibly float easily with the Nature. It’s a delight to see the fine work of different seekers – poets, painters, scholars, artists, reformers... it’s an ongoing effort to understand...what’s mine!
Going for a walk with the pet, can be a pretty fulfilling experience. So can be a relaxed chat with a friend... a fine song that you have enjoyed over the years... a lively evening with a group..gradually I am finding that all these help me figure out ...what’s mine!
Reflecting on an experience... good or not so good... comforting or threatening ... uplifting or humiliating... helps me decipher. As the pendulum swings to & fro...seasons change.. still something stays steady...what’s mine!
A certain degree of detachment, discrimination... effortless observation... a sprinkle of humour...helps me absorb... ...what’s mine!