Monday, November 29, 2010

....surface tension !

As per Physics, water has surface tension. This explains how a tiny pin can float on surface of water, how water rises in a small capillary, how bubbles are formed. Am getting the impression that surface tension is a common phenomenon all around us!

Long back, as a small kid, while watching a movie, I was pretty upset & tense to see the hero being bashed up on the screen. In fact I walked up to my Dad, to seek comfort from this tense situation. In hindsight, I can label the whole episode as superficial, just a tense scene on surface ....surface tension !

Wherever we are in touch with others, in social and business setting, for a collective goal, there will be scope for cooperation, competition, comfort, even conflict.... surface tension !

With practice, hopefully we get to the stage, where we can exist peacefully, like a river, in-spite of.... surface tension !


  1. It certainly exists Raj and it takes considerable skill at times not to puncture it and end up fighting for familiar and firmer footing to regain balance.

  2. So well said Ken "not to puncture it and end up fighting for familiar and firmer footing to regain balance" that's precisely what am aiming for. Grateful
