Wednesday, August 18, 2010

....stick-ability !

From a very young age, I had the opportunity to prepare dough for bread - rotis, chapatties. Gradually you get used to the whole process and can experiment with few ingredients to add flavour and variety. Once the dough is ready, it stops sticking to the pan.

Interestingly, am finding that the process has several parallels : After reading a book, absorbing from it, reflecting on it, we can leave it gracefully. We can revisit, but don't have to stick to it. While one continues to learn all through life, one does not stick to the school or college. A ripe fruit does not stick to the branch!

Each association has its phases of forming, norming and storming. Gradually, you get past the point of stick-ability. Long back I read & accepted the phrase that 80 % of ones ability is stick-ability. At this cross section, my understanding is that it's an internal process !!


  1. "A ripe fruit does not stick to the branch!" true as a fledgling doesn't "stick' to the nest once it learns to fly. I believe the 80% is internal development of not only expertise but character, values and beliefs. I'm not very clear on this yet.
    Great post Raj...

  2. Fully agreed ".. 80% is internal development of not only expertise but character, values and beliefs" grateful Khushi - we are often given the example of mud fish - that swims in muddy water - without the mud sticking to it !
